Submission (#431) Approved

27 September 2022, 02:10:59 PDT (1 year ago)
3 October 2022, 18:08:37 PDT (1 year ago) by Admin


Blurb Magi Personality-
Magi can be described as one thing: wise yet perhaps very long-winded. He speaks in an older dialect, which tends to confuse people as to what he could mean, but those who know him tend to get the jist. He seeks knowledge and wisdom, but above else, wants nothing more than to help his friends and those who may be struggling. He is a bit awkward with people, often forgetting social etiquette or opting to just stay silent. He prefers pulling strings silently rather than taking one of his dearest friend's- Azem's- approach of direct.


Reward Amount
Starstones 5


SNARE-362: the magician

Reward Amount


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luns's Bank

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