Submission (#625) Approved

31 July 2023, 22:55:50 PDT (11 months ago)
1 August 2023, 17:09:50 PDT (11 months ago) by Admin


(606 WC)

Hades was not oft one to engage in activities like checking out the beach and spending the day relaxing there. It was always the more bright, more vibrant soul in Hythlodaeus that dragged him out of his comfort zone. This one particular day was hot, waves battering against rock like the anger that flooded every vein in his body.

“You’ve summoned me here, now what?” he huffed, lifting a paw and shaking sand stuck to it. Hythlodaeus just chuckled, springing up to Hades’ chest and gazing into his eyes.

“You’ve been stuck at work for far too long; you’ve been ignoring me, even!” he said incredulously. Hythlodaeus retreated slightly, chuckling as he scoped out the beach. It was quiet today, much to Hades’ liking. He trotted over to a spot, tail curling and flicking as he pawed at the ground carefully.

“This will do!”
Hades raised an eyebrow. “And what, pray tell, do you have in mind?”
“We’re building a sandcastle!”
Hades’ ears shot up, flattening as he grumbled. “How ridiculously childish; do you really expect me to—hey, stop that!”
Hythlodaeus grabbed onto one of his tufts, dragging him to the spot with a wide smirk. “Let’s have some fun, Hades. I miss seeing you…”
Hades looked away, frown deepening. “I suppose… one sandcastle would not hurt.”

Hythlodaeus let out a cheer, getting to work on laying the foundation for their sandcastle. Hades observed his careful, attentive work, aiding here and there before noting something quite… dire.

The tide was approaching.
“Hythlodaeus, there’s an issue.”

Hythlodaeus, who was waist-deep in digging out an interior for their lofty sandcastle, paused. He sat up, peeking to see Hades. “What is it, my dearest friend?”

Hades motioned to the rising tide, backing up slightly as the waves nearly touched his paws. Hythlodaeus let out a groan, pleading at Hades. “Can the all-powerful mage turn the tide to go out?” Hades hemmed and hawed, shaking his head and pressing his wings firmly against his sides. “Absolutely not! I cannot turn the tide simply because you wish to build a sandcastle of all things!”
Hythlodaeus pouted, but simply just nodded. “Very well! The tide will whisk this poor sandcastle away.”
“So it will.”
“Well, you’ll owe me!”
Hades unfurled his wings. “Owe? Do not loop me in with your childish games!” he vocalized, huffing and stomping his foot. Hythlodaeus chuckled, stepping gently into the encroaching waters. “Hades, it’s not game. Like I mentioned, I want this to be fun. It is supposed to be fun.”

Hades grumbled, looking away and considering his friend’s offer. Perhaps…


Hades gasped obnoxiously loud, shaking himself off and blinking. What met his sight was a stuck out tongue and a wicked smirk. He let out a low growl. “You! You—You’ll pay for that one, you thorn in my side!”
“At least I don’t have a thorn on my butt!” Hythlodaeus called after, laughing as he scrambled deeper and deeper into the ocean. Hades, however, let his paws sink ankle deep, taking a deep breath and manipulating the water around him to cause a wave to splash on Hythlodaeus. He gasped in return, laughing as he swam closer and began to jump and splash Hades. “That’s not fair! You know it isn’t.”

“Perhaps, but now I have you where I want you.” Hades smirked, jumping to splash the purple furred snare. The two laughed and frolicked until they were both soaked to the bone; the sandcastle collapsed under the waves. Rumour says that the two spent the day like that, laughing and splashing each other until the sun set on the horizon.


Reward Amount
Starstones 20



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