Submission (#749) Approved

17 January 2024, 13:08:33 PST (5 months ago)
8 February 2024, 06:57:04 PST (4 months ago) by luns


Myu paced around the balcony, worry etched on every feature of her face. Hitori was leaving. Again. Every time he left, it filled her with dread. Anything could happen, and that worried her more than anything. The world's potential end lay in wait- if her visions were at all something to believe in- after all, and what if she had just... Let it happen? What if Hitori got hurt, or worse?

What if she stood idly by?

She turned to Hitori quickly, tears beginning to mist her eyes. "Hitori, I can't bear it anymore," she started, guilt already building in her chest. She could never ask him to give up what he loved- travel. Oh, how she longed to just spread her wings and follow. Hitori was not her only visitor; another traveler- one by the name of Azem, had also come upon her, hearing the shuffle of books or spotting her in the gardens. "I can't bear the thought of something happening to you... can you please... stay... just for tonight."

They had spent a few nights together, Myu confessing her jealousy on how they were able to come and go as they pleased. Azem simply blinked back a bit blankly. "What's stopping you? We were given wings to fly, after all."

And here she was, trapped in a gilded cage. Hitori frowned, nuzzling her face. "I'll be okay, Myu. I'll *always* come back, but I must go tonight." She snuggled into his neck further, embracing him tightly. "Wait for me."

"I will; I always will," she sniffed, slowly releasing her grip.

"A wish. I've heard that sometimes, when someone's love transcends physical boundaries- a star is born, a guide, a promise- that your loved one will return. That star is meant to light their way back home." Azem spoke, staring up at the sky before looking back to Myu with bright purple eyes.
Myu chuckled back. "I will consider it. Thank you, for sharing that with me."
So as Hitori left, promising his return, Myu lit candles around her room. Lights danced and glimmered around the room as her tail whisked with her movement. She sat herself in front of a candle, carrying it over to the balcony window. She placed it on the railing, lowering her head to the warm flame and giving a fervent, silent prayer. "Come home safe, hale and whole." She muttered, looking up to the vast sky and stars. They glimmered back, smiling down at her. She stilled, feeling the cold air whistle through her fur. "Wait for me," she mumbled, moving to carry the candle back to the center of the room. Slowly, she snuffed out each, leaving the lone one at the center. She curled herself around it, sobbing silently and shutting her eyes. 'Oh, but how much longer must I wait?'

"We were given wings to fly; what's stopping you?"

Myu opened her eyes once more, bleary eyes focusing on the small, warm light in front of her. What was stopping her? Her parents, the guards... But...
No, she mustn't entertain the thought.

But the way the wind brushed her fur, how good it felt to lift her wings- feel the way the air naturally lifted her body. Myu wiped her eyes, looking to the balcony.

Her life was her own to live. What was she waiting for? Permission? That would never come. She padded over to the ledge, staring down at the vast expanse below.

"Maybe that star... Will guide me home."

'I'm coming with you.'
(578 words)


Reward Amount
Starstones 25


SNARE-019: Hitori

Reward Amount

SNARE-050: Myu

Reward Amount


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