Submission (#836) Approved

29 April 2024, 21:55:24 PDT (2 months ago)
6 May 2024, 15:02:34 PDT (1 month ago) by Farukon


160 words or so


As petals fall, quiet steps follow each step. Her steps are light, graceful, elegant. In short, it almost looks like a dance as she approaches. There is a bundle- spider lilies- in her mouth, bright red and just as elegant looking as the Starsnare approaching. She pads up wordlessly, sitting in front of the statue. There are other offerings there, and she eyes each of them over, silent judgment crossing her azure gaze.

She bows her head, dropping her spider lilies into the pile of offerings gathered. She scoots a paw to adjust them, intending them to outstretch and cascade out. Then, she silently reaches paws for her head, pulling out a hairpin from her fur and placing it amongst the spider lilies. “I never believed in you,” she mutters. “But have this offering, that you might find more life and happiness than I ever did,” she snorts out with a huff.


Reward Amount
Starstones 5
Zephyrus' Offering (Raffle Ticket) 1


SNARE-977: Tsukuyomi

Reward Amount


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luns's Bank

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