SNARE-438: Sirene

Owned by luns

Sirene was a carefree child, one who lived by the ocean and loved to look at the stars. Her parents fed her stories on how there was a special spirit in the stars- ones that looked down upon them and aided in dire circumstances. Her father eventually passed due to illness, and as an older teen, Sirene felt as though her father finding someone so quickly to step in as her new mother was... betraying the family they had. So, she set off to the middle of the lake. She prayed, and prayed hard- and in her eagerness- came the mistake of her life.

Sirene fell into the waters, and she desperately tried to get back onto the boat. However, the waters were cold and unforgiving to an unprepared teen. She sunk to the depths, but her wish was to continue living on. Her spirit lingered, realizing her mistake in trying to fix something that wasn't broken. She bided her time, wallowing as she waited for the right opportunity. On nights of the full moon, she would come near the surface and beg for an opportunity- a chance to make things right. However, she wanted to help others.

Eventually, her wish was granted. The moon turned blood red, and stars fell to the surface of the water. She launched herself forward, seizing the chance- finally! Her wishes had been answered! Perhaps, she'd even meet this stellar spirit! And as her body breached the surface, out came a victorious roar with stars sparkling around her new form. Thus, she began her new mission- to save those and give them a new chance at life- the one she did not get to have for herself.

Sirene is first and foremost- a protector of the ocean. Her duty is almost like a watcher- to make sure everything stays in tact and nothing too alien treads the waters. Her biggest job, however, is saving those lost at sea or those who are at risk of drowning. She is quite sensitive to these cases, often rushing on site and helping as best she can. She is a fast swimmer, and an even faster helper. Her magic mostly consists of blue flame related things- akin to shaping it and even going so far as to convert it to electricity. By far, her more useful one is the temporary ability to share her capability of breathing in water. Her spear is not just for show- she is not afraid to use it should something threaten her. However, she would rather use ink sprays to blind opponents and get away if it meant getting away without a fight.



Sirene is bubbly, compassionate, kind, and fairly carefree. She has a lovely voice- using it to sing should she feel like it. Neither rain nor sleet nor snow will stop her once she sets her mind to helping someone, and she is quite stubborn in that regard. For Sirene, this attitude is a benefit to her, as it makes her work harder to rescue those in need- ever dedicated to the world. She is bold and passionate, but also self-sacrificing to help the overall.

Sirene as a protector is very defensive. She prefers to act as a wall and stall something out, playing tactically. She will prefer to spray ink to temporarily blind opposers and run. However, she is capable of using fire magic to fight. She will always take the non-lethal option, including while using her spear.

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